Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 17, 2025
Maundy Thursday witnesses God’s invitations to encounter, to connect, and to be
transformed. Through three movements, worshipers will visit the baptismal font, trusting in
their goodness and God’s loving claim on their lives; they will experience the nourishment
of the Table, encountering Jesus’s body through communion; and they will explore how to
live out Jesus’s new commandment to love others as he has loved us.
This liturgy evokes curiosity and delight as we open-heartedly negotiate the blurry boundaries of
the symbolic and literal, of fact and faith, of being and doing. We offer an expansive response to our createdness as beloved children of God. The service places an emphasis on the body of Christ, and the ecclesial body, seeking to situate worshipers in physical space where they
might recognize God’s presence in new ways. In this recognition, we open ourselves to the
radical possibilities of God’s grace for our lives, for our neighbors, and for Creation.