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Why we give

The Bible tells us to return to God one-tenth of the abundance that comes to us. This standard for giving is called the tithe. We put God first when we give 10 percent of our income back to God through the church. Of course, we realize that some have been so richly blessed that they may choose to give more. Others, at various times in their lives, may find it necessary to give less. But our desire should be to come as close as we are able to that traditional gift to God. These gifts allow us to continue to do God’s work in Statesville and around the world.

Ways to Give

Collecting Money
In Person
Phone App


Whether you’d like to give a single gift or schedule ongoing donations, you can do it all online.


Simply text amount + “give” to 84321 then follow the instructions. (for example, the message would say "$20 give" to the number 84321



Give in person on Sunday morning by dropping your gift into the offering plates presented by ushers.

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